Huntsville, AL – December 2, 2019 – Ternion® Corporation is excited to announce the release of FLAMES® version 18.0. With this newest version, it’s now easier than ever to create, execute, visualize, and control FLAMES scenarios.
FLAMES customers with an active software subscription can contact customer support to receive version 18.0 upon request at no additional cost. If you do not have FLAMES, click here for instructions on how to request a no-cost evaluation copy of the FLAMES Runtime Suite or the FLAMES Development Suite.
A complete list of the improvements can be found in the “What’s New in Version 18.0?” section of the FLAMES documentation when FLAMES 18.0 is installed. Continue reading for a summary of the enhancements you can find in FLAMES version 18.0.
FLAMES 18.0 Enhancements
Scenarios in Datasets. Scenario Datasets have been introduced to centralize all data needed for working with FLAMES simulations. This reduces the number of files to manage, simplifies exporting scenarios, and allows Network Database users to remotely access FLAMES scenarios.
Repairing Scenarios. When opening scenarios with datasets that do not exist, users will have the option to find missing datasets to repair broken scenarios.
Full Screen 3D Views. 3D Views have been updated to support two full screen window modes.
Instant Elevation Viewing. Users can now display terrain elevation based on the position of the mouse cursor within the main window status bar of FORGE and FLASH.
Improved 64-bit Support. Use of the 64-bit architecture has been enhanced. Additions include support for loading larger terrain datasets and increased granularity when scheduling events on the FLAMES event calendar.
More Foreign Language Updates. Support for foreign languages has been enhanced, with the ability to automatically translate tool tips within FLAMES applications. Updated translations for the built-in Chinese_Taiwan language set are also provided.
Command Editor Enhancements. Improved timing, better support for processing different units of measure, and enhanced floating point number interpretation logic has been added to the interface for editing Unit commands.
Quality of Life Improvements. Standard FLAMES applications have been modified to be easier to use. Minor issues have been resolved and source code has been improved.